
When it comes to replacing your windows, there are some things you should consider.  First, there are some signs that it is "time" to get an estimate.  Check for drafts, warm and cool spots, rotting, frost/ice buildup (especially in the frigid north of Wisconsin, hah), and just overall functionality.  If you need to prop the window open with a book in order to keep it open, chances are it needs to be replaced.  Just because the home you just bought is relatively new, that doesn't mean the windows are in tip top shape. Unfortunately, there are contractors out there that won't sink the money into decent windows in order to help cover the cost for other things in the home that are more a focal point when it comes to selling (like the kitchen, bathroom, curb appeal, etc).  When it comes to cutting corners, windows usually take the brunt of the hit.

Now for the actual new windows, how do you know what is best when shopping around? 

1) Check how energy efficient the new windows are.

2) You can save $$ over time with extra panes.  Triple paned windows may be a more expensive option, but they are much more energy efficient than single panes.  Their energy rating will help to offset the cost in the years to comes.

3) Check for warranty's

4) Stock vs Custom: This one is tricky.  Stock windows will save you time as they are exactly what the name sounds, these are pre-built windows.  Custom windows on the other hand, are built to the EXACT measurements of your home.  Even though your home may have been built using typical frame measurements, over time things can shift and your once stock windows may not be the best fit.

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